Medical providers
You will find a list of English-speaking medical providers in Paris here: List of English speaking medical providers.
However, if you’re in need of a specialist that does not appear on this list, please feel free to contact us.
You can also use Doctolib. Doctolib is a comprehensive doctor database that lists most doctors in France. You can see their schedule, location, consultation/procedure price, choose which language you would like the appointment in, and make the appointment. You can make an account, and use the filters to specify your preferences. They also send you several appointment reminders, so you can stay organized.
You will find a step-by-step guide here: Guide to Doctolib.pdf
Important numbers
112: the European emergency number 15: the SAMU: Emergency Medical
18: the Fire Fighter 3624: for a house-call doctor if you are too ill to travel: available 24/7
If you have questions about sexuality, sexual relations, love or contraception, contact the Planning Familial (Family Planning), an association that offers free and confidential check-ups. Women in particular may obtain a prescription for contraception which suits them and obtain the day-after pill in case of need. Family Planning has branches everywhere in France. Find the closest one to you using the following link: https://www.planning-familial.org/fr#block-near-you
Always call to make an appointment. Generalists can usually be seen within 24 hours but specialists may book farther in advance. If you’re too ill to wait for an appointment, you should consider calling SOS Médecins and a doctor will come to your place right away (telephone number: 3624 or 01 47 07 77 77). Please consult emergencies services
If you are affiliated with the French Social Security (Ameli) and during the first consultation to a general practitioner, ask the doctor to fill the “declaration de choix du médecin traitant” (this form can be forwarded to you by the health office). This is very important: without this paper, you won’t be reimbursed properly.
Always have enough cash or a checkbook with you. Not all medical providers have a credit card machine. Generalists can range anywhere from 22 euros to 75 euros per visit. Most specialists can range from 30 euros to 120 euros per visit.
Always ask the medical provider for an official claim form which is called a feuille de soins. This document will serve as your receipt and is a mandatory document to claim for reimbursement.
Keep the original doctors’ prescriptions and feuille de soins and if needed we’ll guide you through your individual reimbursement process in strict confidentiality.
Health Care plan
It’s a requirement in France that all students have health insurance.
Social Security provides foreign students with social coverage while studying in France. To increase the amount of their healthcare expenses that is reimbursed, they may take out complementary health insurance, or mutuelle.
If you're traveling abroad, be aware that only emergencies are covered by your plan.
As part of the law project in relation with academic orientation and the success of students, a reform of the system of the student social protection is ongoing (June 2018). A transition phase should be in place for the 2018/2019 period. Eventually, international non-European students will be included in the general healthcare scheme; European students will continue to be covered by their European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) if they have one.
European students
You don't have to complete any process if you have a European Health Insurance Card: you can use it to have access to medical care in France. You are covered, whatever the date of your registration in a French higher education institution.
You are in this case if you have the nationality of a country of the European Union, Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway or Switzerland.
Non-European students arriving in France for the next academic year
You can benefit from the French social security and the reimbursement of your medical fees, whatever the type of visa you used in France to complete your studies (VLSTS or VLST).
First, you must register to your higher education institution.
Then, you must register to the French general social security system.
Registration is free of charge and completed online by logging in to the website of the health insurance dedicated to foreign students. It is available in French and English.
You must first register to the French social security. Your medical fees are reimbursed up to 60%. You can track your reimbursements and find additional information by creating your account on ameli.fr.
The choice to subscribe to a complementary health insurance to top up the reimbursements of your medical expense is entirely up to you. It is not mandatory, but we do recommend it strongly.
It's up to you to complete the subscription process. Start by asking for a quote, and compare the offers. You can do so with:
Traditional student healthcare mutuals
Insurance companies
Advice: Check that health insurance you choose offers a civil liability valid for both your private and student life. That way, you'll be covered on your place of study and the place of your internship.