Resident’s Life & Housing
Find housing on your own in Paris, while difficult, is not impossible. Students who wish to find their housing should be aware of the following:
Probably the most forbidding part of looking for apartment rentals in Paris is the financial ‘dossier’ (file) landlords and agents expect you to have. A ‘good dossier’ contains papers signed by a ‘garant’, that is, someone who agrees to be financially responsible for your rent if you don’t pay it. This person, if not French, should, at least, live in France. However, some agencies will accept a student’s parents as garant. You will need a letter from the garant’s bank, as well as other financial statements (i.e., copies of garant’s pay slips, tax returns, bank statements, etc.)
Most lease agreements (bail) for furnished apartments are made for one year, however, the contract can be broken with one month's advanced move-out notice (be sure to read your lease to verify this), given in writing and sent by registered mail.
The standard security deposit (caution) consists of one month’s rent (a recent law changed this from two months, but it is not always observed) which, by law, may be returned up to two months after the student's departure.
When you move in (and out), an inventory meeting (état des lieux) must be scheduled and a form filled out and signed by the student and landlord. The inventory is for your mutual protection and will be used to determine if any damages will be deducted from your security deposit upon departure.
You can also search on the internet as there are many useful ‘how to’ guides with information on renting housing in Paris.
When visiting a flat/room that interests you, take the following documents with you, if you have them these documents should be provided for yourself and your flatmate or partner if you are moving in together, and for your guarantor(s).
a photocopy of your identity papers (identity card, passport),
three most recent pay slips (if you are employed) or those of your guarantor,
proof of address for your guarantor (electricity bill, tax return, etc.)
Other documents that may also be requested: your most recent tax notice or that of your guarantor, your student card or a certificate of university attendance, if you are already enrolled (that of the previous year if you do not yet have the new ones), your residence permit, if you have one, a photocopy of your guarantor’s identity papers, a certificate from your guarantor, a photocopy of property tax or tax notice if your guarantor owns a property, your R.I.B (relevé d’identité bancaire – bank details), rent receipts from the last flat your rented.
A bank guarantee: If a landlord is not satisfied with the documents provided, they may ask for a French bank guarantee. The tenant places the equivalent rental sum for the duration of the lease agreement, into a blocked (escrow) account. For this service, most French banks charge between 0.5% and 3% of the frozen amount, as well as a flat administrative fee, of between €100 and €200 (these charges are sometimes negotiable). The frozen money is then invested and can earn interest as usual.
Please note that this amount is independent of paying rent each month.
Paris Attitude
+33 (0)1 42 96 31 46
11 rue Royale
75008 Paris
Métro: Concorde
Tel: 01 43 12 98 00
Consultez le site web pour rechercher et visualiser les offres d'appartements, et consultez leur blog (www.parisrental.com/blog) pour trouver des réponses aux questions locataire/propriétaire ainsi que des liens utiles pour les étudiants vivant à Paris.WELCOME in PARIS
107 bis boulevard Soult 75012 Paris
Tel: 06 62 06 24 05 / 06 63 83 37 37
Christine Brooks finds apartments for clients and accompanies them through all the steps to get moved in and functioning, including follow-up service during tenancy and departure. The fee is equivalent to around one and a half month’s rent. Tel: 06 15 41 04 25 christibroo@yahoo.com
Please be aware that the ads placed on bulletin boards throughout Paris or in local newspapers are not screened and that you may encounter difficulty in securing a rental for a short period of time (i.e. one semester, one academic year).
In English: FUSAC (www.fusac.com) – stands for France USA Connection a free classifieds website.
De particulier à particulier (www.pap.fr) – French classified rental/sale ads - also has a print version sold every Thursday in all newspaper stands.
Also: www.leboncoin.fr; www.paris.craigslist.fr
Other French sites: www.seloger.com, www.parisattitude.com, www.locaflat.com , www.fnaim.fr, www.laforet.com, www.123immo.com, www.century21.fr, www.appartager.fr (for roommate situation), www.cnous.fr/vieetud/logement.htm
* The PSE cannot vouch for above resource information which has been compiled based on student recommendations.
The American Church
65 quai d'Orsay
75007 Paris
The Danish Church
17 rue Lord Byron
75008 Paris
The Swedish Church,
9 rue Médéric
75017 Paris
The internet can be a valuable resource, but keep in mind that you are dealing with, more-or-less, unscreened information. Rule of thumb: if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is; never send money without a paper trail.
Move-In-Out Check List Form (Etat des Lieux) for Apartment.pdf
Move-In-Out Check List Form (Etat des Lieux) for Independent Rooms.pdf
Move-In-Out Check List Form (Etat des Lieux) for Home Stays.pdf
Are you renting an apartment in Paris and you are interested in knowing who is responsible for any damage or repair in your accommodation? The following documents explain the financial responsibilities of the tenant and the landlord.
Are you planning on moving into a new apartment and you want to know if the new accommodation is suitable to be rented? This document explains what is a decent accommodation and the conditions it has to satisfy in order to be rented.