"Understanding the complexities of French immigration requirements can be challenging. Here is valuable information to simplify the process."
Navigating all of the requirements of French immigration can be tricky. This page is meant to assist students with the immigration process and help make a potentially confusing process an orderly and painless one.
Necessary paperwork differs by student (see below). Be sure to look up what’s required of you from the moment you receive your acceptance letter and throughout your time at PSE.
Since some processes may take up to a few weeks (if the French Authorities’ Department which is in charge of processing the residency applications, is either understaffed or sometimes both) the residency renewal procedure can take a few months.
Therefore, you must follow the necessary steps at the earliest possible moment. You must take care of your immigration requirements to enroll and remain enrolled at PSE. Please be aware that it’s illegal to enter France under a tourist visa, or without a visa at all, with the intention of studying. Students living in France without the proper documents are subject to deportation.
When you are accepted to Paris SChool Of ENtrepreneurship provided with instructions and all the information to apply for a long-stay student visa (the new students are given the necessary information by the PSE Admission ).
This residence visa allows you to legally live and study in France.
The admission of PSE hereby declines any responsibility for any consequences that could result from a NON-EU student (illegally) entering France with NO valid documents (valid student visa, valid passport, valid residency card).
All registered returning students must have a valid Titre de Séjour in order to study at PSE. To keep your Titre de Séjour valid every year, make sure to follow the required steps and procedures for returning students.
Students staying one semester must obtain a short-term visa ("Visa d'Étudiant - Long Séjour Temporaire - Dispense Temporaire de Carte de Sejour"), while students staying two semesters will need to obtain a long-term student visa (New "Visa VLS-TS" - a long term student visa "CESEDA R311 3 6"), to apply for their residency once here.
Graduate students who enroll in a master’s program at PSE must secure a valid long-term student visa ("Visa Étudiant Long Séjour" - "CESEDA R311 3 6") for the duration of their studies. The admissions pack you receive upon admission will guide you through this process.
Students who are under 18 and wish to take classes at PSE need A visa for Minors (“Visa pour Mineur Scolarisé”). Being issued a "Visa D-Mineur scolarisé" or a long-term student visa –for a minor- is a very serious matter that must be discussed between the student’s parents and the local French Consulate/ French Authorities abroad in charge of visa applications for minors.
Important: the minor student and their parents must make sure the minor is granted the correct visa before coming to France.
As a returning student you must maintain the validity of your residency permit, your Titre de Séjour, throughout the duration of your studies. This means you’ll be expected to renew your residency permit every year you’re a student at PSE. It’s illegal to live in France under an expired Titre de Séjour, or under a tourist visa with the intention of studying.
If you’re a citizen of France or any other European Union country, you don’t need a residency permit. All registered non-European Union students must have a valid Titre de Séjour in order to study at PSE.
Your visa renewal application must be complete and ready for processing two months prior to the expiration date - no later.
Remember: your Titre de Séjour may expire during the summer, so you must seriously check your status and find out about your options before you leave for summer vacation. Don’t schedule any trips or buy tickets before you’ve discussed your renewal options. Also, your passport must have a validity of more than six months in order to launch your renewal procedure.
Any renewal application submitted to French authorities after the expiry date will require payment of late fee penalties: 180€ if the application is submitted one day to three months after the expiry date and 417€ if it’s submitted three months after it expires. ( amounts can be subject to change)
Note that upon the French Authorities' decision, the amount of the late fee penalty is subject to change at any time, without notice.
Make sure to be proactive about this process! Some students only have a short time between the day that their residency card expires and the day they start the renewal, so it’s crucial to take care of this requirement as soon as possible.
Once the application is complete, the residency renewal appointment takes place. the student will receive a “Récépissé”. The “Récépissé” is a temporary residency card that is issued to the student first, until they are contacted by the Préfecture de Police itself (SMS or email) to withdraw their “Titre de Séjour”.
We invite all incoming PSE students as well as returning students to contact us with any questions or concerns about visas, residency, and immigration procedures. We look forward to hearing from you..
Find more about the immigration forms and ressource here. It contains all of the documents you may need from PSE for your immigration and residency requirements.